Interruttori Ave Multi-Touch in vetro nero Interruttori con placca Vera Touch nero assoluto Interruttori con placca Vera Touch in vetro nero assoluto Interruttori AVE Life 44 nero lucido Interruttori AVE Life Touch Referenza AVE per appartamento - Design d'interni Interruttori AVE Vera Touch con design in vetro nero Impianto elettrico touch con placche in vetro nero Impianto elettrico in bagno con placche touch AVE

Apartment – Lombardia

The magnificence of this apartment situated in Lombardy recalls a Neoclassical style. Guests can fully savour its museum-like atmosphere.  The large spaces adorned by valuable paintings and precious accessories follow in sequence on display.

Hence the Wiring Accessories Series LIFE 44 by Ave has been installed in this resident to adjust to every type of house, even when it is built around a specific style. The colour selected for the Touch and Vera front plates is absolute black that, with its clear finish, mirrors the shine of both marble floors and door frames.

Besides the half busts, precious curtains and carpets, we find convenient backlighted touch front plates, whose modern lines do not clash with the chosen furnishings. Without deviating focus from the works of art displayed in this luxury apartment, Ave front plates on the inlaid walls and structures, such as those of the Apartment in Lombardy, are present to be admired. AVE: a style for all styles.