Appartamento smart con domotica e tecnologia touch di AVE Appartamento smart con domotica AVE Appartamento smart - Placca scorrevole per prese AVE Appartamento smart - Presa a scomparsa AVE Appartamento smart - Multi-Touch AVE Appartamento smart - Antintrusione AVE Appartamento smart con interruttori touch AVE Comandi domotici AVE per impianto smart home Impianto smart - Placca scorrevole per prese AVE Impianto smart - Presa a scomparsa AVE Comandi Multi-Touch AVE per Smart Home Comandi Touch AVE per Smart Home Impianto elettrico AVE per Smart Home Comandi di domotica AVE per la smart home Placca scorrevole per copertura prese AVE - Smart Home Interruttori touch AVE per appartamento smart - Camera Sensori domotici AVE per appartamento smart Interruttori e prese bagno AVE - Appartamento smart Sensori domotica AVE per appartamento smart

Apartment – Angri (SA)

In this apartment a smart system has been implemented, accentuated by AVE home automation and touch technology.

The technological hub is the AVE Web Server, a device that allows both local and remote management of the AVEbus home automation system. It’s thus possible the control via app of all functions, such as lights, shutters, temperature, and the anti-intrusion system. AVE technology also provides the option to set scenarios that activate multiple automations simultaneously, either with a single command or programmatically.

The system’s functions can also be managed through home automation controls placed in the apartment. In prominent locations, Multi-Touch devices make up to 6 commands available for each light point, activated simply by touching the surface of the front plate.

Aesthetically, the system is customized with Vera 44 glass front plates surrounding switches, outlets, connectors, and sensors. For outlet protection, sliding front plates were chosen, a solution that, thanks to an AVE-patented system, allows outlets to be “hidden” when not in use.

This apartment is a concrete example of a new way of thinking about the electrical system, where technology combines with design to comply with the functionality and style’s needs.